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Individual Therapy

$150/hr (discount for cash/self-pay)

Utilize this service to have specialized one-on-one sessions with Casey to help you identify and then meet your mental health goals.

Additional Services

A business meeting

Consultation & Training

One-on-One or Groups

Utilize this service to have specialized one-on-one sessions (or groups) to help you navigate tough decisions, increase positive self-worth, or learn more about mental health and trauma so you can support and lead others in a person centered way.

Examples of services rendered:

Domestic Violence- Consultation for families of victims around how to leave safely, how to support those that want to stay, referrals to where to get more help and support.

Substance Use- How to know when it is time to seek help, how to support those struggling with addiction, intervention assistance, referrals for treatment based on needs. 

Mental Health- Education and support for those who are navigating mental heath struggles within their family, household, work environment, or friendships. This is not a substitution for mental health treatment. 

Supportive Friend

Clinical Supervision

Licensure Supervision for MSWs

Casey Green is a Board Approved Supervisor for the Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers. Licensure Superviees will rotate weekly between individual supervision and group supervision, as available. 

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Making Sense of Your Worth & Building Freedom Within

Self-Worth is the foundation of who we are as human beings and in today’s world is highly sought after. It plays a role in every decision we make and in every relationship we have. This eight week program is designed for men, women and teens who desire the freedom that comes with positive self-worth and secure attachment. Making Sense of Your Worth (MSOYW) follows a step-by-step process of replacing the lies the world has told us about who we are with the truth of who we really are. 
For those who want to continue on their journey, Building Freedom Within will pick up where MSOYW left off. (MSOYW is a pre-requisite). This eight week program is designed for men, women and teens who are looking to further define their true authentic self and have the tools to handle anything that comes across your path, with authenticity.

“The Making Sense of Your Worth Curriculum & Building Freedom Within Curriculum were created by Cindy R. Lee, LCSW in partnership with HALO Project International.”

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